Artisan | skilled worker |
Adulation | high praise or admiration |
Pedant | nerd; gets his knowledge only form books |
Philistine | uncultured person only interested in materialistic possessions |
Paragon | model of perfection |
Ascetic | practicing self-denial |
Ostracize | to ban from the public |
Sycophant | one who sucks up |
Parsimony | stinginess, frugality |
Impertinent | insulting |
Conflagration | great fire |
Maelstrom | whirlpool, turbulent or violent situation |
Torpor | sluggishness |
Carnage | destruction of life (carn = fresh/meat) |
Unwanted | unaccustomed, unexpected or unusual |
Indolent | lazy |
Iridescent | displaying rainbow like colors |
Veracious | truthful |
Substantiate | to confirm |
Incredulity | disbelief (cred = believe) |
Innocuous | harmless (noc or nox = harm) |
Tonic | strong (ex. taste), something that lifts spirit |
Detrimental | harmful |
Disinclination | unwillingness |
Reprimand | scold |
Calumny | ruining someones reputation |
Dearth | not Enough |
Plethora | excess |
Insurgence | rebellion |
Oligarchy | government by few |
Nonentity | no importance |
Clemency | leniency; mercy |
Induce | to bring about |
Gusto | enthusiasm |
Breadth | width |
Discomfiture | feeling of embarrassment or awkwardness |
Perspicacity | insight |
Forbearance | patience |
Fatuous | foolish |
Salubrious | healthful |
Litigation | lawsuit |
Clandestine | secret |
Conventional | typical |
Specious | seemingly reasonable but incorrect |
Indigent | poor |
Affluent | wealthy |
Persevere | to be stubborn |
Retaliate | to get revenge |
Effervescent | excited |
Auspicious | favoring success |
Illusive | deceiving |
Deprecate | to protest against |
Exacerbate | to worsen |
Obscure | dark and unclear |
Incoherent | illogical |
Capricious | hard to please |
Pivotal | vital, important |
Debacle | downfall |
Deluge | a flood |
Deferential | courteous (want to please other) |
Munificent | generous |
Exorbitant | excessive (too much) |
Imperious | bossy |
Convivial | festive, jovial (lively) (viv = life) |
Callous | hardened, unfeeling |
Inordinate | unrestrained |
Stringent | binding |
Furtive | sneaky |
Meticulous | excessively careful |
Vigilant | watchful |
Monolithic | uniform, following same customs |
Copious | plentiful |
Acrimonious | caustic;stinging |
Didactic | teaching |
Sporadic | occurring irregularly |
Jaded | tiring, fatigued |
Avid | greedy |
Raucous | harsh and shrill (ex. noise) |
Swarthy | dark, dusky |
Cordial | gracious |
Arboretum | place where different tree varieties are exhibited |
Discursive | digressing |
Exonerate | to clear form blame |
Timorous | fearful |
Rancorous | hateful, bitter |
Abet | to aid and encourage |
Ebb | recede, lessen |
Pugnacious | like to fight (pug = fight) |
Vainglorious | excessively conceited |
Pernicious | causing harm or ruin |
Repudiate | to reject with disapproval or condemnation |
Delineate | to portray, to depict, to show |
Enmity | a feeling of hatred, ill will |
Vehement | strongly emotional; intense or passionate |
Comprehensive | thorough, all inclusive |
Objective | unbiased, without feelings |
Qualify | to limit (secondary definition) |
Erudite | characterized by great knowledge; learned or scholarly |
Abbreviate | shorten, abridge |
Abstinence | act of refraining from |
Adversity | misfortune |
Aesthetic | having to do with beauty |
Amicable | friendly |
Anachronistic | not in the correct historical time period |
Anecdote | short, often funny account of an event |
Anonymous | nameless |
Antagonist | opponent |
Arid | extremely dry |
Assiduous | hard working |
Asylum | sanctuary, safe place |
Benevolent | friendly, helpful |
Camaraderie | trust among friends |
Censure | to criticize harshly |
Circuitous | indirect, roundabout |
Clairvoyant | able to see the future |
Collaborate | to work together |
Compassion | sympathy |
Compromise | to settle differences |
Condescending | patronizing, demeaning others |
Conditional | provisional, contingent, depending on a condition |
Conformist | one who follows customs |
Congregation | group of people |
Convergence | joining of parts |
Deleterious | harmful |
Demagogue | leader who appeals to emotions of his people |
Digression | straying from main point |
Diligent | Hard-working; assiduous |
Discredit | dishonor, disgrace |
Disdain | to regard with scorn |
Divergent | variant, moving apart |
Empathy | sharing of feelings |
Emulate | to follow an example |
Enervating | tiring weakening |
Enhance | improve, augment |
Ephemeral | momentary, fleeting |
Evanescent | short lived (as an image) |
Exasperation | irritation, frustration |
Exemplary | outstanding |
Extenuating | guilt diminishing, lessening or reducing |
Florid | flushed, ornate |
Fortuitous | lucky |
Frugal | thrifty, economically conservative |
Hackneyed | overused, cliché |
Haughty | arrogant, condescending |
Hedonist | pleasure seeker |
Hypothesis | theory requiring proof |
Impetuous | rash, impulsive |
Impute | to attribute to someone |
Incompatible | unable to work together |
Inconsequential | trivial |
Inevitable | unavoidable, certain |
Integrity | honesty, decency |
Intrepid | fearless, adventurous |
Intuitive | instinctive, untaught |
Jubilation | joy, exultation |
Lobbyist | persuader of legislators |
Longevity | long life |
Mundane | ordinary, common |
Nonchalant | calm, casual |
Novice | beginner |
Opulent | wealthy |
Orator | speaker |
Ostentatious | displaying wealth |
Parched | dehydrated |
Perfidious | disloyal, untrustworthy |
Precocious | talented beyond ones age |
Pretentious | pompous, self-important |
Procrastinate | to delay unnecessarily |
Prosaic | run-of-the-mill |
Prosperity | wealth, success |
Provocative | inflammatory, calling forth a reaction |
Prudent | wise, careful |
Querulous | irritable |
Reclusive | withdrawn, preferring to live in isolation |
Reconciliation | agreement after a quarrel |
Renovation | state of being renewed |
Resilient | quick to recover |
Restrained | controlled, restricted |
Reverence | profound respect |
Sagacity | wisdom |
Scrutinize | to observe carefully |
Spontaneity | impulsive action |
Spurious | phony, false |
Submissive | compliant |
Substantiate | to verify, confirm |
Subtle | elusive, sly, ambiguous, understated |
Superficial | lacking in depth, shallow, on the surface |
Superfluous | more than enough, surplus |
Suppress | to end an activity |
Surreptitious | secret, stealthy |
Tactful | diplomatic, polite |
Tenacious | persistent, resolute |
Transient | temporary, fleeting |
Venerable | respectable due to age |
Vindicate | to clear from blame, exonerate, acquit |
Wary | watchful, alert (of the situation), aware |